
Al Ishara Consulting Limited is a political and regional consultancy offering insight and expertise for companies working in the Middle East and North Africa or with clients in the region.

Our mission is to make it easier for businesses to engage with and work in one of the world’s most complex and often misunderstood regions. We see huge potential for growth and development in the Middle East and with it, major opportunities for businesses elsewhere in the world. We seek to unlock this potential by helping individuals and companies to understand the political, economic and cultural environment, so that they can build relationships and expand their businesses in the region in a sustainable way.

In order to achieve long-term success in regional jurisdictions, it is essential to understand not only the legal and regulatory frameworks in place, but also the ways in which the constantly changing political and economic dynamics can impact your business. Our political, economic and cultural expertise, language capabilities and network in the region give us a unique ability to interpret changing regional dynamics and advise on opportunities and risks to your business.